Contact Us

Fill out this form to send a quick email to Splash. We will get back to you as soon as possible (usually within a day). Submitting this form does not add you to our mailing list.

Note to Parents:

If your child is or wants to be a student at one of our programs, while we do appreciate your interest, we'd rather hear from the child directly. We're an all-volunteer organization, so we sometimes take a while to respond to email, and we have an obligation to answer mail from our students first.

Contact Form

(By checking this, we will make your submission anonymous by removing all identifying information from your submission.)


(By checking this, we will send a carbon-copy (cc) of this email to the address listed above. If you checked the 'Anonymous' box, we will send a blind carbon-copy (bcc) of this email.)

(This determines who gets the message.)