Splash Biography

CHRISTOPHER SILVIA, Math-Loving Studying Cornell Sophomore

Major: Mathematics

College/Employer: Cornell

Year of Graduation: 2017

Picture of Christopher Silvia

Brief Biographical Sketch:

I am math.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

M104: this one neat mathematical trick tells you why the planets move, why soap bubbles are shaped the way they are, and why strings hang the way they do. in Splash Spring 2015 (Apr. 18, 2015)
Category: Mathematical Physics Description: In calculus, you learned how to minimize or maximize an individual function. Have you ever wondered how to minimize or maximize the integral of a function? There is a remarkable simple method, due to Euler and Lagrange, which remarkably lets us derive planetary motion, newtonian mechanics, and the movements of soap bubbles, all from very simple assumptions. Structure: I will first give an overview of what we can learn by minimizing integrals. Students will then complete "fill-in-the-blank" proofs and example exercises. Then, each student will be given a different problem to work on, to share with their table once they're done.