Splash Biography

AINSLIE CULLEN, Cornell fifth-year architecture student

Major: Architecture

College/Employer: Cornell

Year of Graduation: 2019

Picture of Ainslie Cullen

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Ainslie loves teaching, learning, and classical Russian ballet. An Aries, Ainslie thus displays an exceptional degree of curiosity, energy, and enthusiasm, and enjoys leadership roles. Thankfully, fire sign Aries is balanced out by the patient and down-to-earth nature of her Moon sign, Taurus. Her interests include dance, architecture, and queer theory, although her true passions are her cat, Giuseppe, and cooking (mostly) vegan food.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

A507: Introduction to Architecture in Splash Fall 2018 (Nov. 10, 2018)
Architecture surrounds us, but in more ways than you'd think; from furniture to flatware, Architecture is more than just buildings, spreading from the macro to the micro. In its purest form, it is a way of thinking, analyzing, problematizing, and creating something through that iterative design process. In this course, we will explore how architects think, communicate, and create the myriad of objects and projects that they do.

L322: Intro to Salsa Dance in Splash Spring 17 (Apr. 29, 2017)
Baila con nosotros! If you love dance, latin music, or are just curious, this introductory-level course is for you. We will go over the basic step as well as some simple moves, learning to lead and follow. If you already have some salsa experience, you're still welcome to join us. There will be lots of dance time to work on improving your skills no matter what level you're working from.

A323: Introduction to Architectural Design in Splash Spring 17 (Apr. 29, 2017)
Architecture surrounds us, but in more ways than you'd think; from furniture to flatware, Architecture is more than just buildings, spreading form the macro to the micro. In its purest form, it is a way of thinking, analyzing, problematizing, and creating something through that iterative design process. In this course, we will explore how architects think, communicate, and create the myriad of objects and projects that they do.

A250: Introduction to Architecture in Splash Spring 2016 (Apr. 23, 2016)
Architecture surrounds us, but in more ways than you'd think; from furniture to flatware, Architecture is more than just buildings, spreading form the macro to the micro. In its purest form, it is a way of thinking, analyzing, problematizing, and creating something through that iterative design process. In this course, we will explore how architects think, communicate, and create the myriad of objects and projects that they do.