Splash Biography

JORDAN HARROD, Cornell Junior studying Biomedical Engineering

Major: Biomedical Engineering

College/Employer: Cornell

Year of Graduation: 2018

Picture of Jordan Harrod

Brief Biographical Sketch:

I am currently a senior at Cornell University studying Biomedical Engineering with a minor in Computer Science. I am interested in tissue engineering, bioelectric materials, and app development, and currently work as an undergraduate researcher in the Bonassar Group. I am also involved in Engineering Ambassadors, the Cornell Recreational Fencing Club, and the Cook Collective.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

E414: Crash Course in Tissue Engineering and Artificial Organs in Splash Spring 18 (Apr. 28, 2018)
Most of us know or have heard about people who need new organs, whether it be a heart, a kidney, or a skin graft, and through this, have learned about how difficult (and expensive) it is to attain them. However, doctors, scientists, and engineers are currently on the brink of developing the technology needed to eradicate this problem completely. In this class, we will talk about current research on and applications of tissue engineering and artificial organs, and what the future of biomedical engineering looks like. We will also look briefly at the feasibility of related fictional technologies in the real world.

E373: Crash Course in Tissue Engineering and Artificial Organs in Splash Fall 17 (Nov. 04, 2017)
Most of us know or have heard about people who need new organs, whether it be a heart, a kidney, or a skin graft, and through this, have learned about how difficult (and expensive) it is to attain them. However, doctors, scientists, and engineers are currently on the brink of developing the technology needed to eradicate this problem completely. In this class, we will talk about current research on and applications of tissue engineering and artificial organs, and what the future of biomedical engineering looks like. We will also look briefly at the feasibility of related fictional technologies in the real world.

E296: Crash Course in Tissue Engineering and Artificial Organs in Splash Spring 17 (Apr. 29, 2017)
Most of us know or have heard about people who need new organs, whether it be a heart, a kidney, or a skin graft, and through this, have learned about how difficult (and expensive) it is to attain them. However, doctors, scientists, and engineers are currently on the brink of developing the technology needed to eradicate this problem completely. In this class, we will talk about current research on and applications of tissue engineering and artificial organs, and what the future of biomedical engineering looks like. We will also look briefly at the feasibility of related fictional technologies in the real world.

E254: Crash Course in Tissue Engineering and Artificial Organs in Splash Fall 2016 (Nov. 05, 2016 - Apr. 29, 2017)
Most of us know or have heard about people who need new organs, whether it be a heart, a kidney, or a skin graft, and through this, have learned about how difficult (and expensive) it is to attain them. However, doctors, scientists, and engineers are currently on the brink of developing the technology needed to eradicate this problem completely. In this class, we will talk about current research on and applications of tissue engineering and artificial organs, and what the future of biomedical engineering looks like. We will also look briefly at the feasibility of related fictional technologies in the real world.

E200: Crash Course in Tissue Engineering and Artificial Organs in Splash Spring 2016 (Apr. 23, 2016)
Most of us know or have heard about people who need new organs, whether it be a heart, a kidney, or a skin graft, and through this, have learned about how difficult (and expensive) it is to attain them. However, doctors, scientists, and engineers are currently on the brink of developing the technology needed to eradicate this problem completely. In this class, we will talk about current research on and applications of tissue engineering and artificial organs, and what the future of biomedical engineering looks like. We will also look briefly at the feasibility of related fictional technologies in the real world.

E156: Crash Course in Tissue Engineering and Artificial Organs in Splash Fall 2015 (Oct. 24, 2015)
Most of us know or have heard about people who need new organs, whether it be a heart, a kidney, or a skin graft, and through this, have learned about how difficult (and expensive) it is to attain them. However, doctors, scientists, and engineers are currently on the brink of developing the technology needed to eradicate this problem completely. In this class, we will talk about current research on and applications of tissue engineering and artificial organs, and what the future of biomedical engineering looks like. We will also look briefly at the feasibility of related fictional technologies in the real world.

P59: A Crash Course in Artificial Organs and Biomaterials in Splash Spring 2015 (Apr. 18, 2015)
Most of us know or have heard about people who need new organs, whether it be a heart, a kidney, or a skin graft, and through this, have learned about how difficult (and expensive) it is to attain them. However, doctors, scientists, and engineers are currently on the brink of developing the technology needed to eradicate this problem completely. In this class, we will talk about both the current research on and applications of biomaterials and artificial organs, and what the future of biomaterials and artificial organs looks like. We will also look briefly at the feasibility of related fictional technologies in the real world.