Splash Biography

MATTHEW WEIDMAN, Cornell Sophomore studying Computer Science

Major: Computer Science (Engineering)

College/Employer: Cornell

Year of Graduation: 2018

Picture of Matthew Weidman

Brief Biographical Sketch:

I love programming, electronics, technology, and anything having to do with those three things. Over the summer I was a camp counselor at iD Tech camps, where I taught Minecraft modding and game design. I also play the baritone horn for the Cornell marching band. I am excited to teach at Splash for the third time!

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

M221: Computers, Minecraft, and Logic Gates in Splash Spring 2016 (Apr. 23, 2016)
Without logic gates, computers as we know them would not exist. Logic gates are part of a blend of math and philosophy that lets engineers make computer processing units and other hardware. Although logic gates are usually associated with electronics, it is possible to make them out of nearly anything – water pipes, legos, billiard balls – even Japanese soldier crabs! In this class, we will make our own logic gates using redstone wiring in the popular video game Minecraft. Class will begin by learning about the context of logic gates – why you would want to use them, why they are important in computers – before moving on to specific types of logic gates. Each logic gate discussed will be demonstrated in Minecraft. Although we will not have time to build our own computers in Minecraft, knowing these gates will give you the basic knowledge you can use to someday make Minecraft electronics.

M150: Computers, Minecraft, and Logic Gates in Splash Fall 2015 (Oct. 24, 2015)
Without logic gates, computers as we know them would not exist. Logic gates are part of a blend of math and philosophy that lets engineers make computer processing units and other hardware. Although logic gates are usually associated with electronics, it is possible to make them out of nearly anything – water pipes, legos, billiard balls – even Japanese soldier crabs! In this class, we will make our own logic gates using redstone wiring in the popular video game Minecraft. Class will begin by learning about the context of logic gates – why you would want to use them, why they are important in computers – before moving on to specific types of logic gates. Each logic gate discussed will be demonstrated in Minecraft. Although we will not have time to build our own computers in Minecraft, knowing these gates will give you the basic knowledge you can use to someday make Minecraft electronics.

M45: Computers, Minecraft, and Logic Gates in Splash Spring 2015 (Apr. 18, 2015)
Without logic gates, computers as we know them would not exist. Logic gates are part of a blend of math and philosophy that lets engineers make computer processing units and other hardware. Although logic gates are usually associated with electronics, it is possible to make them out of nearly anything – water pipes, legos, billiard balls – even Japanese soldier crabs! In this class, we will make our own logic gates using redstone wiring in the popular video game Minecraft. Class will begin by learning about the context of logic gates – why you would want to use them, why they are important in computers – before moving on to specific types of logic gates. Each logic gate discussed will be demonstrated in Minecraft. Although we will not have time to build our own computers in Minecraft, knowing these gates will give you the basic knowledge you can use to someday make Minecraft electronics. Depending on time, students may be given permission at the end of class to open their laptops and make Minecraft redstone logic on their own. If you do not bring a laptop, don't worry! There will be other activities available which you can use to test your knowledge.