Splash Biography

NEIL CHITRAO, Cornell sophomore studying biology and French.

Major: Biological Sciences/French

College/Employer: Cornell University (employer)

Year of Graduation: 2017

Picture of Neil Chitrao

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Neil Chitrao was born in Staten Island, New York, on September 12, 1994. Ever since he was little, he has aspired to join the ranks of the United States military, where he hopes to channel the rage of Patriots nationwide in the interminable battle for justice and love. May liberty's swift sword forever find her target.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

S385: North Korea: A Historical Context in Splash Fall 17 (Nov. 04, 2017)
As tensions between North Korea and the United States continue to flare up, a study of the history of the Hermit Kingdom could prove valuable. Why is the country so resistant to outside influences? Why did it develop nuclear weapons, and why does it want to launch them at us? What are our options as Kim Jong-Un remains belligerent? Find out the answer to all of these questions and more at this class.

S260: The Ethics of Airpower in Splash Fall 2016 (Nov. 05, 2016 - Apr. 29, 2017)
Since the advent of manned flight, the military applications of aircraft have posed significant ethical concerns. This course will employ case studies from history to foster discussion about what constitutes the "just" use of military airpower, given the different objectives and strategic concerns of each actor.

S293: NATO: Past and Present in Splash Fall 2016 (Nov. 05, 2016 - Apr. 29, 2017)
Forged from the ashes of the Second World War, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization was, in the words of an influential European statesman, "to keep the Germans down, the American in, and the Soviets out". This class will discuss how NATO functioned to this end during the Cold War, and how the alliance has responded to the security challenges of today.

P240: The Sociology of Infectious Disease in Splash Spring 2016 (Apr. 23, 2016)
This course will provide students with a survey of history's great pandemics and the consequences they had for the people they affected.

S241: Modern Defense Policy: US and NATO in Splash Spring 2016 (Apr. 23, 2016)
Learn all about the challenges the US and its allies face in the 21st century from both conventional and unconventional threats

S242: The Influence of Sea Power through History in Splash Spring 2016 (Apr. 23, 2016)
Throughout the history of warfare, naval power has been a decisive factor in determining the victor in a conflict. This course will examine the role the world's navies have played not only in wars, but also in the shaping of human society itself. The teachers of this course hope to take students on a journey from the early days of frigate battles to modern days, where submarines and aircraft carriers reign supreme. No experience with naval history is required.

S181: The Evolution of Military Airpower During the Cold War in Splash Fall 2015 (Oct. 24, 2015)
One of the consequences of the ideological standoff between the United States and the Soviet Union was a rapid development in the sophistication of military aircraft. This course will analyze the technological race between the two superpowers to develop the world's best air superiority fighter. Those with a passion for things that fly are encouraged to attend.

S182: Modern Defense Policy: US and NATO in Splash Fall 2015 (Oct. 24, 2015)
Learn all about the challenges the US and its allies face in the 21st century from both conventional and unconventional threats

S193: Sociology of Infectious Disease in Splash Fall 2015 (Oct. 24, 2015)
This course examines how infectious diseases have impacted the societies they afflict, and assesses the consequences pathogens have had for the course of human history. Among the diseases covered are bubonic plague and Ebola.

S107: The Evolution of Military Airpower During the Cold War in Splash Spring 2015 (Apr. 18, 2015)
One of the consequences of the ideological standoff between the United States and the Soviet Union was a rapid development in the sophistication of military aircraft. This course will analyze the technological race between the two superpowers to develop the world's best air superiority fighter. Those with a passion for things that fly are encouraged to attend.

P108: America and Biological Weapons: Looking past the Hysteria in Splash Spring 2015 (Apr. 18, 2015)
The recent outbreak of Ebola in West Africa has reignited the debate over the plausibility of a biological attack on the United States of America. This course will examine the different potential biological agents, and attempt to assess just how much of a threat the specter of biological agents constitutes.

P5: The Sociology of Infectious Disease in Splash Fall 2014 (Oct. 18, 2014)
This course will provide students with a survey of history's great pandemics and the consequences they had for the people they affected.