Splash Biography

ERIC LI, ESP Teacher

Major: Bio/CS

College/Employer: Cornell

Year of Graduation: 2024

Picture of Eric Li

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Not Available.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

?923: The Enigma Code: Introduction to Cryptography in Splash Spring 2024 (Apr. 27, 2024)
From secret codes during wartime to sending an email to a friend, hidden codes are all around us. Encryption keeps our messages private and out of the wrong hands through a special encoding process. In this class, you will learn about cryptography throughout history, how to write and decipher secret messages, and race to solve an encoded telegram.

P769: Sourdough Science! in Splash Fall 2022 (Nov. 12, 2022)
Come join us as we explore the world of microorganisms through the sourdough starter fermentation process! Students will be able to bring home their own little jar of sourdough starter and in instruction sheet as to how to take care of it.

P733: Life in the Undergrowth in Splash Spring 2022 (Apr. 16, 2022)
The ground and soil outside is so commonplace that we rarely notice it anymore. Today we will take a trip down into the world of the undergrowth and learn about the strange creatures and events that happen there. You'll even be able to take home a mini terrarium! We will be working with soil and mealworms.