Splash Biography

MICHAEL NGO, Cornell undergraduate studying Computer Science

Major: Computer Science

College/Employer: Cornell

Year of Graduation: 2026

Picture of Michael Ngo

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Michael is a second-year undergraduate at Cornell University studying Computer Science in the College of Engineering. Currently, Michael is conducting machine learning research as part of the Cornell University Artificial Intelligence group. He also enjoys working on data-science oriented projects as part of Cornell Data Science. Michael loves teaching and is currently a teaching assistant for Algorithms (CS 4820) at Cornell.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

M938: Curb Your Fibonacci! The Heart of Linear Algebra in Splash Spring 2024 (Apr. 27, 2024)
Your x-y-z coordinate in Minecraft, the temperature of a cup of coffee cooling down, the pixels of an image. We store sequences of numbers all the time. But is there a pattern? Can I predict where you move in a video game, how fast the coffee will cool, or compress an image without losing resolution? (The answer might be yes, and the secret might be some very cool mathematics!) In this class, students will work in small groups to study the famous, seemingly unpredictable Fibonacci sequence with the power of linear algebra. This is not a lecture! With guidance, students will develop tools and build intuition about this super, applicable field of mathematics. No prior linear algebra experience expected. Time permitting, we will dive into additional extensions and generalizations.