Splash Biography


Major: Biological Sciences

College/Employer: Cornell

Year of Graduation: 2026

Picture of Aiman Sabaawy

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Not Available.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

S983: What is Health Equity? in Splash Fall 2024 (Nov. 16, 2024)
Are you interested in the history, current issues, and steps towards the improvement of health equity? The this is the class for you! We will explain ways that health equity manifests itself (more than you may think!) and discuss how individuals and society can work to make healthcare accessible to all.

L905: Basics of First Aid and Emergency Preparedness in Splash Spring 2024 (Apr. 27, 2024)
"Blue to the sky, orange to the thigh!" Learn more about using EpiPens, treating wounds, performing Heimlich maneuvers, and other first aid topics! Whether you're interested in healthcare or just want to be prepared in an emergency, this class will introduce you to the key components of first aid!

P863: Don't get ticked off! in Splash Fall 2023 (Nov. 11, 2023)
Do you ever get ticked off by Lyme? Join Cornell HEART as we investigate Lyme disease — a dangerous illness carried by ticks that affects over 7,000 New York citizens every year. We will delve into the symptoms and treatment of Lyme, while also examining why ticks are so good at carrying and transmitting this disease. We will also do an interactive Lyme-based activity where we focus on proper removal of ticks.

A832: Understanding Art Therapy in Splash Spring 2023 (Apr. 29, 2023)
In this course, we will be exploring the growing practice of art therapy, why it works, and its effect on our mental well-being. We will also do a fun activity to see the effects of art therapy first-hand.