Splash Spring 2023
Course Catalog

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Miscellaneous Arts
Engineering Humanities
Lunch Physical Education
Math & Computer Sciences Physical & Biological Sciences
Social Sciences Walk-in Activity


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?801: The Perfect Healthcare Career for You!

Are you interested in medicine and healthcare? Turns out, there are a lot of different careers other than your traditional physician or dentist. Come learn about pre-med, pre-dental, pre-PA, healthcare consulting, health policy, public health, and others from some of the brothers of Cornell’s only co-ed pre-health fraternity, Alpha Iota Gamma!

In this course, there will be two parts: a discussion-based portion at the beginning where both brothers and participants will be sharing their healthcare interests through a fun, interactive game and then a fun kahoot to test participants' memory on the field of healthcare with a yummy prize at the end! This course will expose you to the vast selection of health-related careers and develop your professional skills to help prepare you for the future.

?849: How to Play Dungeons & Dragons Full!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Stella Dang

Have you ever daydreamed of being in an epic fantasy world, slaying dragons, wielding magic, and making friends with strange and wondrous creatures? Dungeons & Dragons is a table-top roleplaying game in which you can go on any adventure with a group of friends and be part of a collaborative story. You may have heard of it from Stranger Things or popular D&D shows like Critial Role or Dimension 20. In this lesson, you will be introduced to the basic game mechanics of D&D, make your own characters, and play for an hour-long session! (Note: The Lesson Plan was intended for a 50-minute class, but the class has since then been extended to 110 minutes long)


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A798: Intro to Voice Acting
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Victoria Franklin

Have you ever wondered what the world of voice acting is like? Commercials, animation, or perhaps documentaries? We'll be diving into an overview of the voice acting industry as well as how to use our voices. Students will be given ads and skits to voice act. We'll cover how to properly take care of our voices and learn some pro-tips from a former voice actress. We'll also cover equipment voice actors use and even software editing techniques used in the industry.

A832: Understanding Art Therapy Full!

In this course, we will be exploring the growing practice of art therapy, why it works, and its effect on our mental well-being. We will also do a fun activity to see the effects of art therapy first-hand.


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E800: The Secrets of 0s and 1s
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Becky Lee

In this class, you will be learning about how 0s and 1s can be used to create different logic gates such as the Not, And, and Or gates which when combined together help to make the processors of your computers. We will start with basic logic gates and how they work and by the end of the session, we will run a simulation to show how these gates work together to help the computer add and subtract.


E822: Synthetic biology: science, ethics, and beyond

Synthetic biology is an amazing field that has the potential to solve many of our world's problems! Join us to learn more about the benefits it has to offer and the science of the field, all while discussing some of its ethical concerns. The class will be an active learning experience, with class discussion and hands-on activities with members of the award-winning Cornell iGEM (Genetically Engineered Machines) project team. No prerequisites required.

E834: Building Your Own Tech Company Full!

Do you have an idea for a business in STEM? Combat Robotics @ Cornell’s Marketing subteam
has navigated the churning waters of tech organization operations and wants to guide you
through your own hypothetical startup venture! Come learn about business models, branding, job
advice, and more, alongside a bit about our project team (free stickers may be provided)!

E804: CUAUV: Intro to Electronics Full!
Difficulty: **

Join this class for a brief introduction in electronics including hands-on experience working with an Arduino board. We’ll be going over the basics of circuits, electrical components, and code, and using this knowledge to complete fun challenges. All experience levels are welcome!

E811: CUAUV Mechanical CAD Introduction
Difficulty: **

Want to know how objects get 3D printed? In this class, we will learn the basics of CAD (computer aided design)! Using CAD, we can create 3D models of objects in a virtual environment to visualize what we're working with before manufacturing or 3D Printing! We will be using Onshape in class.


E821: Introduction to Chemical Engineering: From Finding Alternative Fuels to Making Cosmetics
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Andreia Fenley

Do you ever wish you could derive a quick equation to find out how long you have to wait for your piping hot brownies to cool down enough not to burn your tongue? Chemical engineering could let you do that! Chemical engineers use chemistry, physics, and math along with engineering tools to solve problems relating to the production and use of anything chemical-related. This includes problems like refining gasoline, purifying drinking water, treating waste, processing food, and making medicines. In this class, you will get an introduction to the field of chemical engineering with fun connections to everyday things like sports gear, cooking, and more!


E841: Engineering and Circuitry Applications: Making Toys More Accessible

Join Cornell’s Big Red Adaptive Play and Design Initiative (Big Red APDI) to learn more about engineering processes and circuitry! We will be working together to form small circuits made from batteries and wires. Additionally, we will demonstrate how much circuitry can be applied to other engineering disciplines. In particular, the Big Red APDI team is focused on reverse engineering toys to make them more accessible to students with physical disabilities in the Ithaca community.


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H818: A Crash Course in Roman History (753 BC-1453 AD)
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Joaquin Rivera

Ever wanted to learn everything about the Roman Empire in just under 2 hours? Well that is impossible, but I will do my best to try to make it happen! Join me in an adventure through a humorous and informative slideshow as we learn about the great events and people that shaped one of the most powerful states of all time.

H848: Creative Nonfiction: Telling Our Stories
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Stella Dang

In his novel The Name of the Wind, Patrick Rothfuss writes, “[E]veryone tells a story about themselves inside their own head. Always. All the time. That story makes you what you are. We build ourselves out of that story.” Do you have a story you wish to tell the world–a unique personal history or creation myth? This lesson is a gentle introduction to creative nonfiction, the genre for writing “true stories.” Through a series of short readings, discussions, and writing exercises, we will explore why we write, how to convey a truth, and what kind of stories we wish to bring forth into the world.


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L831: Lunch Period
Difficulty: None

Enjoy a break for lunch with your friends! Please register for at least one lunch period on each day of the program.

Physical Education

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L840: Building Your Workout Plan
Difficulty: *

Want to work out but don’t know where to start? Join Cornell HEART and learn the dos and don'ts about exercise and how to build your own workout plan! In this class, we will talk about the benefits of exercise, debunk some misconceptions, do some fun activities such as yoga, and learn how to start your fitness journey!

Math & Computer Sciences

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M807: Introduction to Programming with Python

Part 1: Learning
Students will be introduced to Python as a programming language. We will cover basic features and introductory knowledge.
Part 2: Hands-on Learning
Students will attempt to complete coding challenges based on a framework given to them. They will be attempting to guide a virtual submarine to its target!

M796: Learning Computer Science
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Shreeya Indap

Want to learn how to code and build your first program? We will be coding a snowman in Javascript, focusing on an introduction to variables and functions. No experience required!

M815: Mathematical Puzzles and Paradoxes
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Sean Wang

Have you ever wondered how math can be useful in the real world, if at all? Do you wonder if there is more to math than just equations and formulas? Are you simply curious about interesting math problems?

This course will answer those questions and more. Through interactive problem-solving and activities, students will be exposed to a wide range of topics in math in an easy-to-follow format. Students will learn how math can be used to solve complex, real-world problems and be exposed to some mind-bending paradoxes.

While the goal of this course is to give students a taste of what mathematics can be like beyond high school, no advanced math background is required. This course aims to provide students with a new perspective on math, so students of all backgrounds, from those who absolutely hate math, to those who are interested in majoring in mathematics, are encouraged to register.

Physical & Biological Sciences

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P792: RIP Spongebob...Whodunit?
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Jung-me Lee

Who did it? One day you walk into the Krusty Krab to grab a cheesy, juicy Krabby Patty. But, you see a wet sponge plopped on the floor... oh no! It is Spongebob! A spatula is stabbed right through his heart -- he does not have a pulse. You can't forgive whoever did this as the murderer killed your favorite burger maker. Was it cynical Squidward, crabby Mr. Krabs, sneaky little Plankton, Sandy Cheeks, or even seemingly-dense Patrick Star? You are determined to carry out an investigation. Who killed him? and how? Learn about DNA, fingerprint and blood type identifications, blood spatter analysis, and more.


P794: Frankenscience: Ethics in Biology
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Peyton DiSiena

In 1818, Mary Shelley demonstrated the issue of ethics in science with her text Frankenstein. A monster, created entirely by the hands of a scientist, develops his own emotions and life and yet he is held back by the grasps of his development. A metaphor for the overwhelming ethical dilemmas being proposed by the developing scientific technology, inventions, and observations, Shelley’s Frankenstein launched a much needed conversation about how and when ethics should be imposed on scientific communities. This course will explore the question: at what point does ethics become a barrier to scientific research, and how can ethics be applied to science without potentially limiting new discoveries?

P795: Humans: Our Ancestors and Our Stories
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Peyton DiSiena

This class will unearth the stories of human history through the lens of biology. We will cover some background on early humans and hominids, the use of mitochondrial, Y-chromosomal, and ancient DNA in understanding early history, and discuss some current discoveries in this field.

P809: Dr. Robot?! The Future of AI in Healthcare
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Anabelle Bean

Ever wonder what it would be like to live in a society made more efficient by the introduction of systems that mimic human intelligence? In this course, we will be going over the fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology and its applications to the real world, specifically in the healthcare field. This class will include an introductory section complete with polls and brain teasers followed by a brief lecture. The class will culminate in a fun group activity and presentation. No prior knowledge on the topic is needed.

P817: How Old is that Tree?
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Jenna Zier

Come join us for a hands on workshop where you will learn how to measure the ages of some common trees in our area! We are so lucky to be surrounded by beautiful historic trees, and you could learn how to approximate how old they are with a few fun steps. This activity will take place outside on the Ag Quad, and is meant to introduce students to a simple method that they can repeat at home. There will be many opportunities for students to be curious, engaged, and connect with the trees around them.

P833: Nutrition: Let's Taco 'Bout it! Full!
Difficulty: **

Join us for a super fun hangout session and create your very own personalized tote bag to take with you on your next grocery run! While we get creative, we'll also chat about some fascinating myths and facts in nutrition, and figure out how to maintain a balanced diet and exercise routine that fits perfectly into your unique lifestyle. Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity to have fun and learn something new!

P850: Overview of Astronomical Phenomena
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Dylan Jackaway

What is a black hole? What will happen to the Earth as the Sun expands over time? How many planets do we know of that orbit other stars? Explore these questions and more in this class meant to provide students with a general idea of the state of astronomers’ understanding of the universe.

P802: History of the Earth (part 1)
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Corey Reese

The Earth has a long and complicated time scale in its 4.5 billion year history. What makes Earth unique is the life it harbors. We will walk through life on Earth from the origins through the Permian extinction. This is tailored to any who are interested in science, natural history or from any background and want to learn.

P803: History of the Earth (part 2)
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Corey Reese

Following History of the Earth part 1, we will walk through the history of life on Earth from the Permian extinction to the present looking at a variety of fossils in person! These include things like a mastadon and megalodon tooth. This is welcome to all students who are simply interested in the topic!

P808: Severe Thunderstorms: Forecasting, Monitoring, and Safety
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Jonathan Lee

Severe thunderstorms are common and potentially dangerous weather occurrences over much of the US, including the Northeast. Such storms pose a variety of hazards, including flash floods, damaging winds, hail, and tornadoes. Students will learn about the basic science behind thunderstorms and the hazards they pose. The course will also include helpful resources to monitor potential storms and their hazards, including outlooks, watches, and warnings issued by the National Weather Service. Information on radar imagery interpretation and relevant weather safety actions will be discussed. Examples from previous severe thunderstorm and tornado events, including within the Northeast, will be shown.

P813: The Chemistry of Color
Difficulty: **

Welcome to the world of color! In this class, we will be making fabric dyes from common vegetables and exploring the chemistry behind their color. Students will be able to dye a bandana and take it home!

P814: Tiny Worlds: Build-Your-Own Terrarium Workshop Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Mary Lee

A hands-on, informative workshop where step-by-step guidance is provided on how to build a terrarium project with the use of the provided materials

Attendees will learn about how terrariums work, what an enclosed ecosystem is, how to care for their terrarium once they bring it home, and some general fun facts about terrariums!

P823: Global Health: Why do we care about local health? Full!
Difficulty: **

Global health is about ensuring a healthy future for everyone, no matter where they live. It's goal is to improve and achieve equality in health for all people worldwide. How is global health is local health? How is local health also global health.?

P825: Exploring the Universe!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Pamela Perez

One of the oldest ways of exploring our galaxy is through the use of telescopes. Real telescopes use curved mirrors to gather and focus light from the night sky. The new James Webb Telescope allows us to learn even more about our universe!

P827: Flowering and Edible Plants
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Kate Bascobert

Learning about flowering plants and their structures. Also learning about edible plants and their classifications.

P829: Sun Protection Awareness
Difficulty: **

Students will learn about the importance of sunscreen and general sun protection through a presentation. The module will include debunking sun protection myths, ways to protect yourself against the sun, and why sun protection is important.

Difficulty: **

3596 x 2379 = ?
I don't know the answer to that, but I do know what part of my brain is working hard right now.
'Wait, I've seen her before, but I can't remember her name.' What part of the brain is working now?
Come join us to learn about all the different regions, various functions, and even health consequences related to THE brain! YOUR BRAIN!

P837: Spooky Scary Skeletons: Bones, X-Ray Imaging, and Healthy Habits

In this course, we present a brief overview of bone health, X-ray imaging, and different fractures. We present preventative measures students can take to inform them of the importance of healthy habits for current and future health.

P843: Celebrating the Lost Leaders and Hidden Figures of Science
Difficulty: *

Science textbooks often celebrate the same historical figures in the canon of scientific achievement: Albert Einstein, Louis Pasteur, Charles Darwin — the list goes on. However, often these scientists were successful at times that, while paramount to scientific progress and advancement, also left out several other identities from the narrative. Many individuals from less represented walks of life contributed key insights that have laid the foundation for today’s body of science. We cannot undercount the importance of seeing scientific figures who look like us as a beacon for what we can accomplish in science, too. In this class, we strive to shed light on lost leaders in science and highlight examples such as Katherine Johnson, Charles Henry Turner, and Ynes Mexia, in turn inspiring the next generation of potential scientists.

P845: Banana Split: Peeling Out DNA!
Difficulty: **

Are you interested in how DNA encodes the genetic information of all living things and how we can extract DNA? Join us for our class where we will be extracting DNA from bananas and learning about the science behind DNA!

P846: Lettuce Discuss: Nutrition, Health, and Eating

Interested in what nutrients are in the food you eat? How nutrition can be a balance instead of a set of strict rules? Want to discuss how food marketers can take advantage of people's emotions? Join us to learn about habits and behaviors surrounding eating, discuss your perceptions of food, and participate in fun activities.

P842: Introduction to Carnivorous Plants and How to Grow Them
Difficulty: *

Ever had trouble keeping that Venus flytrap alive? Come learn about the diverse world of carnivorous plants and the key to growing them successfully! No prior experience required.

Students will be able to plant their own carnivorous plant seeds and also learn about the different trapping mechanisms employed by various carnivorous plants including pitfall, snap traps, suction and many more!

P847: Worms Work Wonders: Introduction to Vermicomposting
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Ana Suppe

Interested in sustainability? Concerned about food waste? Join the vermicomposting workshop, where you can learn how to use worms to turn food scraps into a nutrient-rich soil amendment. We will discuss the benefits and tradeoffs of
vermicomposting, such as fast decomposition of organic material, reduced greenhouse gas emissions, and accessibility. Students will learn how to properly maintain a vermicomposting system to ensure optimal worm activity and compost
production. The class will include both a demonstration of how to set up and maintain a worm bin, and an interactive planting activity using vermicompost.

Social Sciences

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S793: Building a Local Government Budget
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Patrick Mehler

While national media headlines focus on Congress’ budget, most Americans receive their daily government services through their local government. Clean drinking water, trash removal, police services, and paved roads all ultimately come from local municipalities. In this course, students will learn what services local governments provide and create their own budget for their fictional city. Taught by a current city councilman and Cornell student, this course will use the City of Ithaca an example budget and will have students decide what services they want their government to include, the quality of their services, how to pay for it, and how to compromise with other students in creating one city-wide budget.

S805: Power to the People! Understanding Labor Unions
Difficulty: ***

Have you ever wondered how we got weekends, fair wages, and safe working conditions? It's all thanks to the hard work and dedication of the labor movement! In this class, we'll explore the history of labor and the struggles that workers faced to improve their lives. We’ll participate in activities that will help us understand how unions work, the role they play in protecting workers' rights, and how they negotiate with employers.
We'll also explore how the lessons of the labor movement apply to our daily lives. From standing up for ourselves and others to advocating for fair treatment, we'll learn how to use the tools of the labor movement to create positive change in our communities.

S810: Mapping and Spatial Analysis with GIS Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Russell Kwong

Interested in maps? Want to learn how to make your own? Geographic Information Systems (GIS) has revolutionized the field of geography by allowing users to create digital maps within minutes. GIS has the power to create maps for political predictions, site suitability for new construction, and even agricultural and hydrographical research. In Mapping and Spatial Analysis with GIS, we'll teach you how to make your very own map from scratch in under an hour! By the end of the class, you'll have a basic understanding of GIS software and how to create maps that tell a story.

Students should have familiarity with spreadsheet applications such as Excel or Google Sheets.

S838: CUAUV: Basic Business Concepts Full!

Don't know what taxes are? The difference between a debit and a credit card? Join CUAUV's business as we provide a brief introduction to basic business concepts that will be of use to you in the upcoming future. All grades welcome!


S839: CUAUV: Introduction to Financial Accounting Full!
Difficulty: **

This class will go over the basics of accounting such as the components of the 4 accounting statements and different equations and rules applied in the process. Available to only high school students.

Walk-in Activity

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W844: Discussion Regarding Nutrition and Exercise
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Kazi Islam

We will discuss the basics of nutritional education in the perspective of health and physical activity